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Wabitsch, Martin


Autor: Katarina Ondrusova, Autor: Mohammad Fatehi, Autor: Amy Barr, Autor: Zofia Czarnecka, Autor: Wentong Long, Autor: Kunimasa Suzuki, Autor: Scott Campbell, Autor: Koenraad Philippaert, Autor: Matthew Hubert, Autor: Edward Tredget, Autor: Peter Kwan, Autor: Nicolas Touret, Autor: Martin Wabitsch, Autor: Kevin Y. Lee, Autor: Peter E. Light: Subcutaneous white adipocytes express a light sensitive signaling pathway mediated via a melanopsin/TRPC channel axis. In: Zeitschrift: Scientific Reports, 7, Article number: 16332 (2017) , DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-16689-4 (Welt: Volltext)


Wada, Kazuhiro


Avian Brain Nomenclature Consortium (Autor: Erich D. Jarvis, Autor: Onur Güntürkün, Autor: Laura Bruce, Autor: András Csillag, Autor: Harvey Karten, Autor: Wayne Kuenzel, Autor: Loreta Medina, Autor: George Paxinos, Autor: David J. Perkel, Autor: Toru Shimizu, Autor: Georg Striedter, Autor: J. Martin Wild, Autor: Gregory F. Ball, Autor: Jennifer Dugas-Ford, Autor: Sarah E. Durand, Autor: Gerald E. Hough, Autor: Scott Husband, Autor: Lubica Kubikova, Autor: Diane W. Lee, Autor: Claudio V. Mello, Autor: Alice Powers, Autor: Connie Siang, Autor: Tom V. Smulders, Autor: Kazuhiro Wada, Autor: Stephanie A. White, Autor: Keiko Yamamoto, Autor: Jing Yu, Autor: Anton Reiner, Autor: Ann B. Butler): Avian brains and a new understanding of vertebrate brain evolution. In: Zeitschrift: Nature reviews, Neuroscience, February 2005, Volume 6, pp. 151-159 (Welt: Volltext)


Wade, Nicholas


Autor: William Broad, Autor: Nicholas Wade: Buch: B102.8 Betrug und Täuschung in der Wissenschaft. (1984) Basel, Boston, Stuttgart: Birkhäuser, ISBN: 3764315601


Wägele, Heike


Autor: Katharina Händeler, Autor: Yvonne P. Grzymbowski, Autor: Patrick J. Krug, Autor: Heike Wägele: Functional chloroplasts in metazoan cells - a unique evolutionary strategy in animal life. In: Zeitschrift: Frontiers in Zoology 6, Article number: 28 (2009) (Welt: Volltext)
Autor: Heike Wägele, Autor: Oliver Deusch, Autor: Katharina Händeler, Autor: Rainer Martin, Autor: Valerie Schmitt, Autor: Gregor Christa, Autor: Britta Pinzger, Autor: Sven B. Gould, Autor: Tal Dagan, Autor: Annette Klussmann-Kolb, Autor: William F. Martin: Transcriptomic Evidence That Longevity of Acquired Plastids in the Photosynthetic Slugs Elysia timida and Plakobranchus ocellatus Does Not Entail Lateral Transfer of Algal Nuclear Genes. In: Zeitschrift: Molecular Biology and Evolution, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 699–706, https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msq239 (Welt: Volltext)


Waerland, Are


Autor: Are Waerland: Buch: B138.1.5 Der Schlüssel zur Gesundheit liegt im Darm. 11. Auflage, Bern: Humata Verlag Harold S. Blume, ISBN 3-7197-425-2


Wagner, Franziska


Autor: Joana Damas, Autor: Marco Corbo, Autor: Jaebum Kim, Autor: Jason Turner-Maier, Autor: Marta Farr, Autor: Denis M. Larkin, Autor: Oliver A. Ryder, Autor: Cynthia Steiner, Autor: Marlys L. Houck, Autor: Shaune Hall, Autor: Lily Shiue, Autor: Stephen Thomas, Autor: Thomas Swale, Autor: Mark Daly, Autor: Jonas Korlach, Autor: Marcela Uliano-Silva, Autor: Camila J. Mazzoni, Autor: Bruce W. Birren, Autor: Diane P. Genereux, Autor: Jeremy Johnson, Autor: Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Autor: Elinor K. Karlsson, Autor: Martin T. Nweeia, Autor: Rebecca N. Johnson, Autor: Gregory Andrews, Autor: Joel C. Armstrong, Autor: Matteo Bianchi, Autor: Kevin R. Bredemeyer, Autor: Ana M. Breit, Autor: Matthew J. Christmas, Autor: Hiram Clawson, Autor: Federica Di Palma, Autor: Mark Diekhans, Autor: Michael X. Dong, Autor: Eduardo Eizirik, Autor: Kaili Fan, Autor: Cornelia Fanter, Autor: Nicole M. Foley, Autor: Karin Forsberg-Nilsson, Autor: Carlos J. Garcia, Autor: John Gatesy, Autor: Steven Gazal, Autor: Linda Goodman, Autor: Jenna Grimshaw, Autor: Michaela K. Halsey, Autor: Andrew J. Harris, Autor: Glenn Hickey, Autor: Michael Hiller, Autor: Allyson G. Hindle, Autor: Robert M. Hubley, Autor: Graham M. Hughes, Autor: David Juan, Autor: Irene M. Kaplow, Autor: Kathleen C. Keough, Autor: Bogdan Kirilenko, Autor: Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Autor: Jennifer M. Korstian, Autor: Amanda Kowalczyk, Autor: Sergey V. Kozyrev, Autor: Alyssa J. Lawler, Autor: Colleen Lawless, Autor: Thomas Lehmann, Autor: Danielle L. Levesque, Autor: Xue Li, Autor: Abigail Lind, Autor: Ava Mackay-Smith, Autor: Voichita D. Marinescu, Autor: Tomas Marques-Bonet, Autor: Victor C. Mason, Autor: Jennifer R. S. Meadows, Autor: Wynn K. Meyer, Autor: Jill E. Moore, Autor: Lucas R. Moreira, Autor: Diana D. Moreno-Santillan, Autor: Kathleen M. Morrill, Autor: Gerard Muntané, Autor: William J. Murphy, Autor: Arcadi Navarro, Autor: Sylvia Ortmann, Autor: Austin Osmanski, Autor: Benedict Paten, Autor: Nicole S. Paulat, Autor: Andreas R. Pfenning, Autor: BaDoi N. Phan, Autor: Katherine S. Pollard, Autor: Henry E. Pratt, Autor: David A. Ray, Autor: Steven K. Reilly, Autor: Jeb R. Rosen, Autor: Irina Ruf, Autor: Louise Ryan, Autor: Pardis C. Sabeti, Autor: Daniel E. Schäffer, Autor: Aitor Serres, Autor: Beth Shapiro, Autor: Arian F. A. Smit, Autor: Mark Springer, Autor: Chaitanya Srinivasan, Autor: Jessica M. Storer, Autor: Kevin A. M. Sullivan, Autor: Patrick F. Sullivan, Autor: Elisabeth Sundström, Autor: Megan A. Supple, Autor: Ross Swofford, Autor: Joy-El Talbot, Autor: Emma Teeling, Autor: Alejandro Valenzuela, Autor: Franziska Wagner, Autor: Ola Wallerman, Autor: Chao Wang, Autor: Juehan Wang,, Autor: Zhiping Weng, Autor: Aryn P. Wilder, Autor: Morgan E. Wirthlin, Autor: James R. Xue, Autor: Xiaomeng Zhang, Autor: Harris A. Lewin: Evolution of the ancestral mammalian karyotype and syntenic regions. In: Zeitschrift: PNAS (2022) Vol. 119, No. 40 e2209139119 (Welt: Volltext)


Wagner, Fritz


Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Autor: Otto Graf zu Stolberg-Wernigerode (Hrsg.), Autor: Walter Bußmann (Hrsg.), Autor: Fritz Wagner (Hrsg.), Autor: Karl Otmar Frhr. v. Aretin (Hrsg.), Autor: Hans Günter Hockerts (Hrsg.), Autor: Maximilian Lanzinner (Hrsg.), Autor: Hans-Christof Kraus (Hrsg.): Buch: B155.1 Neue Deutsche Biographie. (Gesamtausgabe) (1953-2013) Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, ISBN 3-428-00181-8 (Welt: Internetversion)


Wagner, Hans-Joachim


Autor: Ronald H. Douglas, Autor: Martin J. Genner, Autor: Alan G. Hudson, Autor: Julian C. Partridge, Autor: Hans-Joachim Wagner: Localisation and origin of the bacteriochlorophyll-derived photosensitizer in the retina of the deep-sea dragon fish Malacosteus niger. In: Zeitschrift: Scientific Reports, volume 6, Article number: 39395 (2016) (Welt: Volltext)


Wagner, Harald


Autor: Wilhelm Wieczerkowski, Autor: Harald Wagner: Buch: B157.5 Das hochbegabte Kind. (1981) Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann


Wagner, Peter


Autor: Beat Stephan Schaub, Autor: Peter Duner, Autor: Hansruedi Fischer, Autor: Alois Gut, Autor: Rudolf Hertli, Autor: Teddy Kaufmann, Autor: Othmar Kehl, Autor: Matthias Kessler, Autor: Judit Koller, Autor: Werner Meier, Autor: Heribert Möllinger, Autor: Harry Rauscher, Autor: Corinne Rindisbacher, Autor: Richard Rordorf, Autor: Claude Rothen, Autor: Karl-Dieter Schuldt, Autor: Guido Suter, Autor: Frédéric von Orelli, Autor: Erhard Stäger, Autor: Peter Wagner: Eisenmangelsyndrom IDS (Iron Deficiency Syndrome). Eine multizentrische deskriptive Arzneimittelanwendungsbeobachtung. In: Zeitschrift: Ars Medici 23/2009, S.970-976 (Welt: Volltext 1, Welt: 2)
Autor: Beat Stephan Schaub, Autor: Peter Duner, Autor: Alois Gut, Autor: Teddy Kaufmann, Autor: Othmar Kehl, Autor: Heribert Möllinger, Autor: Harry Rauscher, Autor: Richard Rordorf, Autor: Karl-Dieter Schuldt, Autor: Guido Suter, Autor: Frédéric von Orelli, Autor: Peter Wagner: Das Eisenmangelsyndrom IDS (Iron Deficiency Syndrome). Eine multizentrische deskriptive Arzneimittel-Anwendungsbeobachtung. In: Zeitschrift: Ars Medici 9/2008 (Welt: Volltext)


Wake, Thomas A.


Autor: Terry L. Jones, Autor: Judith F. Porcasi, Autor: Jon M. Erlandson, Autor: H. Dallas, Autor: Thomas A. Wake, Autor: R. Schwaderer: The protracted Holocene extinction of California’s flightless sea duck (Chendytes lawi) and its implications for the Pleistocene overkill hypothesis. In: Zeitschrift: PNAS, March 18, 2008, vol. 105, no. 11, 4105–4108, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0711140105 (Welt: Volltext 1, Welt: 2, Welt: 3)


Wakeham, John


Autor: Donald N. Cardinal, Autor: Darlene Hanson, Autor: John Wakeham: Investigation of Authorship in Facilitated Communication. In: Zeitschrift: Mental Retardation, Vol 34, Nr. 4 (Aug 1, 1996): S.231-242. (Welt: Volltext)


Wakely, Wil


Autor: William Mills Tompkins, Editors: Autor: Robert M. Wood, Autor: Michael E. Salla, Autor: Wil Wakely, Autor: John Wenger: Buch: B38.17.2 Selected by extraterrestrials. Volume 2 My life in the top-secret world of UFOs, Think Tanks, and Nordic secretaris. (2020) USA: Kindle Direct Publishing, ISBN 978-1975944698
Autor: William Mills Tompkins, Editors: Autor: Robert M. Wood, Autor: Michael E. Salla, Autor: Wil Wakely, Autor: John Wenger: Buch: B38.17.3 Selected by extraterrestrials. Volume 3: My spoken words. My life in the top-secret world of UFOs, Think Tanks, and Nordic secretaris. (2022) USA: Kindle Direct Publishing, ISBN 9798416113001


Walach, Harald


Autor: Walter von Lucadou, Autor: Hartmann Römer, Autor: Harald Walach: Synchronistische Phänomene als Verschränkungskorrelation in der Verallgemeinerten Quantentheorie. In: Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 47/48/49, 2005/2006/2007, S. 89-110 (Welt: Volltext)


Walden, Kimberly K. O.


Autor: Rodrigo A. Velarde, Autor: Colin D. Sauer, Autor: Kimberly K. O. Walden, Autor: Susan E. Fahrbach, Autor: Hugh M. Robertson: Pteropsin: A vertebrate-like non-visual opsin expressed in the honey bee brain. In: Zeitschrift: Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 35 (2005) 1367–1377 (Welt: PMID: 16291092, Welt: DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2005.09.001 (Welt: Volltext)


Waldrop, Robert H.


Autor: Marcos G. Frank, Autor: Robert H. Waldrop, Autor: Michelle Dumoulin, Autor: Sara Aton, Autor: Jean G. Boal: A Preliminary Analysis of Sleep-Like States in the Cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. In: Zeitschrift: PLoS One, 7(6): e38125. 2012 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038125 (Welt: Volltext)


Walker, Charles W.


Autor: Michael P. Lesser, Autor: Karen L. Carleton, Autor: Stefanie A. Böttger, Autor: Thomas M. Barry, Autor: Charles W. Walker: Sea urchin tube feet are photosensory organs that express a rhabdomeric-like opsin and PAX6. In: Zeitschrift: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 2011 Mar 30;278(1723):3371–3379. Welt: PMCID: PMC3177635, Welt: PMID: 21450733, Welt: doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.0336 (Welt: Volltext)


Walker, Matthew P.


Autor: Matthew P. Walker: The Role of Sleep in Cognition and Emotion. In: Zeitschrift: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience 2009: Zeitschrift: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1156: 168–197 (2009). doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.04416.x (Welt: Volltext)


Wallén, Rita


Autor: Karin Nordström, Autor: Rita Wallén, Autor: Jamie Seymour, Autor: Dan Nilsson: A simple visual system without neurons in jellyfish larvae. In: Zeitschrift: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (2003) 270, 2349–2354, DOI 10.1098/rspb.2003.2504 (Welt: Volltext)


Wallenfeldt, Jeff


Autor: Adam Augustyn, Autor: Patricia Bauer, Autor: Brian Duignan, Autor: Alison Eldridge, Autor: Erik Gregersen, Autor: Amy McKenna, Autor: Melissa Petruzzello, Autor: John P. Rafferty, Autor: Michael Ray, Autor: Kara Rogers, Autor: Amy Tikkanen, Autor: Jeff Wallenfeldt, Autor: Adam Zeidan, Autor: Alicja Zelazko: Buch: BVI.6 Encyclopaedia Britannica. (Welt: Online-Ausgabe)


Waller, Derek G.


Autor: Sam Parnia, Autor: Derek G. Waller, Autor: Rodney Yeates, Autor: Peter Fenwick: A qualitative and quantitative study of the incidence, features and aetiology of near death experiences in cardiac arrest survivors. In: Zeitschrift: Resuscitation. 2001 Feb;48(2):149-56. PMID 11426476 (Welt: Volltext)


Wallerman, Ola


Autor: Joana Damas, Autor: Marco Corbo, Autor: Jaebum Kim, Autor: Jason Turner-Maier, Autor: Marta Farr, Autor: Denis M. Larkin, Autor: Oliver A. Ryder, Autor: Cynthia Steiner, Autor: Marlys L. Houck, Autor: Shaune Hall, Autor: Lily Shiue, Autor: Stephen Thomas, Autor: Thomas Swale, Autor: Mark Daly, Autor: Jonas Korlach, Autor: Marcela Uliano-Silva, Autor: Camila J. Mazzoni, Autor: Bruce W. Birren, Autor: Diane P. Genereux, Autor: Jeremy Johnson, Autor: Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Autor: Elinor K. Karlsson, Autor: Martin T. Nweeia, Autor: Rebecca N. Johnson, Autor: Gregory Andrews, Autor: Joel C. Armstrong, Autor: Matteo Bianchi, Autor: Kevin R. Bredemeyer, Autor: Ana M. Breit, Autor: Matthew J. Christmas, Autor: Hiram Clawson, Autor: Federica Di Palma, Autor: Mark Diekhans, Autor: Michael X. Dong, Autor: Eduardo Eizirik, Autor: Kaili Fan, Autor: Cornelia Fanter, Autor: Nicole M. Foley, Autor: Karin Forsberg-Nilsson, Autor: Carlos J. Garcia, Autor: John Gatesy, Autor: Steven Gazal, Autor: Linda Goodman, Autor: Jenna Grimshaw, Autor: Michaela K. Halsey, Autor: Andrew J. Harris, Autor: Glenn Hickey, Autor: Michael Hiller, Autor: Allyson G. Hindle, Autor: Robert M. Hubley, Autor: Graham M. Hughes, Autor: David Juan, Autor: Irene M. Kaplow, Autor: Kathleen C. Keough, Autor: Bogdan Kirilenko, Autor: Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Autor: Jennifer M. Korstian, Autor: Amanda Kowalczyk, Autor: Sergey V. Kozyrev, Autor: Alyssa J. Lawler, Autor: Colleen Lawless, Autor: Thomas Lehmann, Autor: Danielle L. Levesque, Autor: Xue Li, Autor: Abigail Lind, Autor: Ava Mackay-Smith, Autor: Voichita D. Marinescu, Autor: Tomas Marques-Bonet, Autor: Victor C. Mason, Autor: Jennifer R. S. Meadows, Autor: Wynn K. Meyer, Autor: Jill E. Moore, Autor: Lucas R. Moreira, Autor: Diana D. Moreno-Santillan, Autor: Kathleen M. Morrill, Autor: Gerard Muntané, Autor: William J. Murphy, Autor: Arcadi Navarro, Autor: Sylvia Ortmann, Autor: Austin Osmanski, Autor: Benedict Paten, Autor: Nicole S. Paulat, Autor: Andreas R. Pfenning, Autor: BaDoi N. Phan, Autor: Katherine S. Pollard, Autor: Henry E. Pratt, Autor: David A. Ray, Autor: Steven K. Reilly, Autor: Jeb R. Rosen, Autor: Irina Ruf, Autor: Louise Ryan, Autor: Pardis C. Sabeti, Autor: Daniel E. Schäffer, Autor: Aitor Serres, Autor: Beth Shapiro, Autor: Arian F. A. Smit, Autor: Mark Springer, Autor: Chaitanya Srinivasan, Autor: Jessica M. Storer, Autor: Kevin A. M. Sullivan, Autor: Patrick F. Sullivan, Autor: Elisabeth Sundström, Autor: Megan A. Supple, Autor: Ross Swofford, Autor: Joy-El Talbot, Autor: Emma Teeling, Autor: Alejandro Valenzuela, Autor: Franziska Wagner, Autor: Ola Wallerman, Autor: Chao Wang, Autor: Juehan Wang,, Autor: Zhiping Weng, Autor: Aryn P. Wilder, Autor: Morgan E. Wirthlin, Autor: James R. Xue, Autor: Xiaomeng Zhang, Autor: Harris A. Lewin: Evolution of the ancestral mammalian karyotype and syntenic regions. In: Zeitschrift: PNAS (2022) Vol. 119, No. 40 e2209139119 (Welt: Volltext)


Walls, Jeannette


Autor: Jeannette Walls (Aus dem Amerikanischen von Ulrike Wasel, Klaus Timmermann): Buch: B26.3 Schloss aus Glas. (2006) München: Diana Taschenbuch, ISBN: 3453351355


Walmsley, Anthony


Autor: Sam Parnia, Autor: Ken Spearpoint, Autor: Gabriele de Vos, Autor: Peter Fenwick, Autor: Diana Goldberg, Autor: Jie Yang, Autor: Jiawen Zhu, Autor: Katie Baker, Autor: Hayley Killingback, Autor: Paula McLean, Autor: Melanie Wood, Autor: A. Maziar Zafari, Autor: Neal Dickert, Autor: Roland Beisteiner, Autor: Fritz Sterz, Autor: Michael Berger, Autor: Celia Warlow, Autor: Siobhan Bullock, Autor: Salli Lovett, Autor: Russell Metcalfe Smith McPara, Autor: Sandra Marti-Navarette, Autor: Pam Cushing, Autor: Paul Wills, Autor: Kayla Harris, Autor: Jenny Sutton, Autor: Anthony Walmsley, Autor: Charles D. Deakin, Autor: Paul Little, Autor: Mark Farber, Autor: Bruce Greyson, Autor: Elinor R. Schoenfeld: AWARE—AWAreness during REsuscitation—A prospective study. In: Zeitschrift: Resuscitation. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.resuscitation.2014.09.004 (Welt: Volltext)


Walter, Jens


Autor: Inés Martínez, Autor: Diahann J. Perdicaro, Autor: Andrew W. Brown, Autor: Susan Hammons, Autor: Trevor J. Carden, Autor: Timothy P. Carr, Autor: Kent M. Eskridge, Autor: Jens Walter: Diet-Induced Alterations of Host Cholesterol Metabolism Are Likely To Affect the Gut Microbiota Composition in Hamsters. In: Zeitschrift: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, January 2013 Volume 79 Number 2 516–524 (Welt: Volltext)


Walter, Richard


Autor: David William Steadman, Autor: Trevor Henry Worthy, Autor: Atholl John Anderson, Autor: Richard Walter: New species and records of birds from prehistoric sites on niue, southwest pacific. In: Zeitschrift: The Wilson Bulletin, Volume 112, Issue 2 (June 2000), S. 165-186 (Welt: Volltext)


Walters, Ed


Autor: Ed Walters, Autor: Frances Walters (Aus dem Amerikanischen von Mara Huber): Buch: B38.4 UFOs. Es gibt sie. Die Dokumentation der Begegnungen in Gulf Breeze, Florida. (1990) München: Knaur, ISBN 3-426-77006-7


Walters, James R.


Autor: Wen-Hao Tan, Autor: Tarik Acevedo, Autor: Erica V. Harris, Autor: Tiffanie Y. Alcaide, Autor: James R. Walters, Autor: Mark D. Hunter, Autor: Nicole M. Gerardo, Autor: Jacobus C. de Roode: Transcriptomics of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) reveals that toxic host plants alter expression of detoxification genes and down-regulate a small number of immune genes. In: Zeitschrift: Molecular Ecology, Volume 28, Issue 22, November 2019, Pages 4845-4863 (Welt: Abstract)


Walters, Frances


Autor: Ed Walters, Autor: Frances Walters (Aus dem Amerikanischen von Mara Huber): Buch: B38.4 UFOs. Es gibt sie. Die Dokumentation der Begegnungen in Gulf Breeze, Florida. (1990) München: Knaur, ISBN 3-426-77006-7


Walz, Mario


Autor: Mario Walz: Buch: B142.10 Schöpfungsgeschichte 3.0. Energetische, geistige und außerirdische Einflüsse auf die geistige Entwicklung. (Heruntergeladen: 20.12.2016) www.mariowalz.de (Welt: Volltext)

Welt: Internetseite von Mario Walz


Wambach, Helen Stewart


Autor: Helen Stewart Wambach (Übersetzt durch Hans-Jürgen Baron von Koskull): Buch: B117.12.1 Seelenwanderung. Wiedergeburt durch Hypnose. (1986) München: Goldmann Verlag ISBN 3-442-11746-1
Autor: Helen Stewart Wambach (Übersetzt durch Werner Vetter): Buch: B117.12.2 Leben vor dem Leben. Verblüffende Testergebnisse beweisen: Es gibt ein Leben vor der Geburt. (1980) München: Wilhelm Heyne Verlag ISBN 3-453-01214-3


Wandel, Fritz


Autor: Fritz Wandel: Buch: B168.10 Macht Schule krank? Probleme einer Sozialpathologie der Schule. (1979) Heidelberg: Quelle und Meyer, ISBN: 3494009902


Wanderka, Josef


UFO-Erfahrung siehe: Cassiopeia
VB228. Kersti: Blonde, meist blauäugige außerirdische Menschen


Wang, Chao


Autor: Joana Damas, Autor: Marco Corbo, Autor: Jaebum Kim, Autor: Jason Turner-Maier, Autor: Marta Farr, Autor: Denis M. Larkin, Autor: Oliver A. Ryder, Autor: Cynthia Steiner, Autor: Marlys L. Houck, Autor: Shaune Hall, Autor: Lily Shiue, Autor: Stephen Thomas, Autor: Thomas Swale, Autor: Mark Daly, Autor: Jonas Korlach, Autor: Marcela Uliano-Silva, Autor: Camila J. Mazzoni, Autor: Bruce W. Birren, Autor: Diane P. Genereux, Autor: Jeremy Johnson, Autor: Kerstin Lindblad-Toh, Autor: Elinor K. Karlsson, Autor: Martin T. Nweeia, Autor: Rebecca N. Johnson, Autor: Gregory Andrews, Autor: Joel C. Armstrong, Autor: Matteo Bianchi, Autor: Kevin R. Bredemeyer, Autor: Ana M. Breit, Autor: Matthew J. Christmas, Autor: Hiram Clawson, Autor: Federica Di Palma, Autor: Mark Diekhans, Autor: Michael X. Dong, Autor: Eduardo Eizirik, Autor: Kaili Fan, Autor: Cornelia Fanter, Autor: Nicole M. Foley, Autor: Karin Forsberg-Nilsson, Autor: Carlos J. Garcia, Autor: John Gatesy, Autor: Steven Gazal, Autor: Linda Goodman, Autor: Jenna Grimshaw, Autor: Michaela K. Halsey, Autor: Andrew J. Harris, Autor: Glenn Hickey, Autor: Michael Hiller, Autor: Allyson G. Hindle, Autor: Robert M. Hubley, Autor: Graham M. Hughes, Autor: David Juan, Autor: Irene M. Kaplow, Autor: Kathleen C. Keough, Autor: Bogdan Kirilenko, Autor: Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Autor: Jennifer M. Korstian, Autor: Amanda Kowalczyk, Autor: Sergey V. Kozyrev, Autor: Alyssa J. Lawler, Autor: Colleen Lawless, Autor: Thomas Lehmann, Autor: Danielle L. Levesque, Autor: Xue Li, Autor: Abigail Lind, Autor: Ava Mackay-Smith, Autor: Voichita D. Marinescu, Autor: Tomas Marques-Bonet, Autor: Victor C. Mason, Autor: Jennifer R. S. Meadows, Autor: Wynn K. Meyer, Autor: Jill E. Moore, Autor: Lucas R. Moreira, Autor: Diana D. Moreno-Santillan, Autor: Kathleen M. Morrill, Autor: Gerard Muntané, Autor: William J. Murphy, Autor: Arcadi Navarro, Autor: Sylvia Ortmann, Autor: Austin Osmanski, Autor: Benedict Paten, Autor: Nicole S. Paulat, Autor: Andreas R. Pfenning, Autor: BaDoi N. Phan, Autor: Katherine S. Pollard, Autor: Henry E. Pratt, Autor: David A. Ray, Autor: Steven K. Reilly, Autor: Jeb R. Rosen, Autor: Irina Ruf, Autor: Louise Ryan, Autor: Pardis C. Sabeti, Autor: Daniel E. Schäffer, Autor: Aitor Serres, Autor: Beth Shapiro, Autor: Arian F. A. Smit, Autor: Mark Springer, Autor: Chaitanya Srinivasan, Autor: Jessica M. Storer, Autor: Kevin A. M. Sullivan, Autor: Patrick F. Sullivan, Autor: Elisabeth Sundström, Autor: Megan A. Supple, Autor: Ross Swofford, Autor: Joy-El Talbot, Autor: Emma Teeling, Autor: Alejandro Valenzuela, Autor: Franziska Wagner, Autor: Ola Wallerman, Autor: Chao Wang, Autor: Juehan Wang,, Autor: Zhiping Weng, Autor: Aryn P. Wilder, Autor: Morgan E. Wirthlin, Autor: James R. Xue, Autor: Xiaomeng Zhang, Autor: Harris A. Lewin: Evolution of the ancestral mammalian karyotype and syntenic regions. In: Zeitschrift: PNAS (2022) Vol. 119, No. 40 e2209139119 (Welt: Volltext)


Wang, Jianhua


Autor: Yu Zhang, Autor: Jianhua Wang, Autor: Guan-Zhu Han: Chalcid wasp paleoviruses bridge the evolutionary gap between bracoviruses and nudiviruses. In: Zeitschrift: Virology, Volume 542, March 2020, Pages 34-39, Welt: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virol.2020.01.007 (Welt: Volltext)


Wang, Juehan


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Wensel, Theodore G.


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Westerfield, Monte


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Wetterwald, Christoph


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Wheeler, Baleigh


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Whiteside, Mark


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Whitmore, Lindsey


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Wu, Kang


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Wuerges, Jochen


Autor: Olga Mayans, Autor: Jochen Wuerges, Autor: Santiago Canela, Autor: Mathias Gautel, Autor: Matthias Wilmanns: Structural Evidence for a Possible Role of Reversible Disulphide Bridge Formation in the Elasticity of the Muscle Protein Titin. In: Zeitschrift: Structure, Volume 9, ISSUE 4, P331-340, April 01, 2001 (Welt: Volltext)


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Autor: Edgar Wunder: UFO-Sichtungserfahrungen aus der Perspektive der Sozialwissenschaften. Literatur-Überblick, aktueller Forschungsstand, offene Fragen. In: Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Anomalistik, Band 6 (2006), S. 163-211 (Welt: Volltext)
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Wyld, George


Autor: William Fletcher Barrett, Autor: Edmund Gurney, Autor: Richard Hodgson, Autor: Arthur Thomas Myers, Autor: Frederic William Henry Myers, Autor: Henry Nicholas Ridley, Autor: William Henry Stone, Autor: George Wyld, Autor: Charles Alexander Lockhart Robertson, Autor: Frank Podmore: Third Report of the Committee on Mesmerism. In: Zeitschrift: Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. 1884, Volume: 2 (Welt: Volltext), S.12




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