
Journal of the Royal Society

BZ9. Zeitschrift: Journal of the Royal Society Interface
BZ9. Zeitschrift: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine


Journal of the Royal Society Interface

  1. Autor: Travis John Adrian Craddock, Autor: Douglas Friesen, Autor: Jonathan Mane, Autor: Stuart Roy Hameroff, Autor: Jack A. Tuszynski: The feasibility of coherent energy transfer in microtubules. In: Zeitschrift: Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 6 November 2014, Volume 11, Issue 100 (Welt: Volltext)

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Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

  1. Autor: Susan Blackmore: Near-death experiences. In: Zeitschrift: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 1996 Feb;89(2):73-6. Review. PMID 8683504 (Welt: Volltext)

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Ein Text von Kersti Nebelsiek, Alte Wilhelmshäuser Str. 5, 34376 Immenhausen - Holzhausen, Tel.: 05673/1615,,
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