
  1. Autor: Gerard 't Hooft: Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity. In: Zeitschrift:, gr-qc, arXiv:gr-qc/9310026 (Submitted on 19 Oct 1993 (v1), latest version 20 Mar 2009 (v2)) (Welt: Volltext V1, Welt: V2)

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  2. Autor: Leonard Susskind: The World as a Hologram. In: Zeitschrift:, High Energy Physics - Theory, arXiv:hep-th/9409089 (Submitted on 15 Sep 1994 (v1), last revised 28 Sep 1994 (this version, v2)) (Welt: Volltext)

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  3. Autor: Henning Sievers: Louis de Broglie und die Quantenmechanik. In: Zeitschrift: (1998) arXiv:physics/9807012 (Welt: Volltext)

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  4. Autor: Andreas Mershin, Autor: Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Autor: Efthimios M.C. Skoulakis: Quantum Brain? In: Zeitschrift:, quant-ph, arXiv:quant-ph/0007088, Submitted on 24 Jul 2000 (Welt: Volltext, Welt: Volltext)

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  5. Autor: Gerard 't Hooft: The holographic mapping of the Standard Model onto the black hole horizon, Part I: Abelian vector field, scalar field and BEH Mechanism. In: Zeitschrift:, gr-qc, arXiv:gr-qc/0504120 (Submitted on 25 Apr 2005) (Welt: Volltext)

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  6. Autor: Max Tegmark: Many Worlds in Context. In: Zeitschrift:, quant-ph, arXiv:0905.2182v2 (Submitted on 13 May 2009 (v1), last revised 24 Mar 2010 (this version, v2)) (Welt: Volltext)

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  7. Autor: Stephen Boughn: Making Sense of the Many Worlds Interpretation. In: Zeitschrift:, quant-ph, arXiv:1801.08587 (2018) (Welt: Volltext)

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Ein Text von Kersti Nebelsiek, Alte Wilhelmshäuser Str. 5, 34376 Immenhausen - Holzhausen, Tel.: 05673/1615,,
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