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Jérémy Gauthier ,
Hélène Boulain , Joke J. F. A. van Vugt , Lyam Baudry , Emma Persyn , Jean-Marc Aury , Benjamin Noel , Anthony Bretaudeau , Fabrice Legeai , Sven Warris , Mohamed Amine Chebbi , Géraldine Dubreuil , Bernard Duvic , Natacha Kremer , Philippe Gayral , Karine Musset , Thibaut Josse , Diane Bigot , Christophe Bressac , Sébastien Moreau , Georges Periquet , Myriam Harry , Nicolas Montagné , Isabelle Boulogne , Mahnaz Sabeti-Azad , Martine Maïbèche , Thomas Chertemps , Frédérique Hilliou , David Siaussat , Joëlle Amselem , Isabelle Luyten , Claire Capdevielle-Dulac , Karine Labadie , Bruna Laís Merlin , Valérie Barbe , Jetske G. de Boer , Martial Marbouty , Fernando Luis Cônsoli , Stéphane Dupas , Aurélie Hua Van , Gaëlle Le Goff , Annie Bézier , Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly , James B. Whitfield , Louise E. M. Vet , Hans M. Smid , Laure Kaiser-Arnault , Romain Koszul , Elisabeth Huguet , Elisabeth A. Herniou , Jean-Michel Drezen : Chromosomal resolution reveals symbiotic virus colonization of parasitic wasp genomes. In: bioRxiv , Posted March 20, 2020. ( Volltext )
Labrie-Cleary, Charlotte Inhalt
Joseph H. Lubin ,
Christine Zardecki , Elliott M. Dolan , Changpeng Lu , Zhuofan Shen , Shuchismita Dutta , John D. Westbrook , Brian P. Hudson , David S. Goodsell , Jonathan K. Williams , Maria Voigt , Vidur Sarma , Lingjun Xie , Thejasvi Venkatachalam , Steven Arnold , Luz Helena Alfaro Alvarado , Kevin Catalfano , Aaliyah Khan , Erika McCarthy , Sophia Staggers , Brea Tinsley , Alan Trudeau , Jitendra Singh , Lindsey Whitmore , Helen Zheng , Matthew Benedek , Jenna Currier , Mark Dresel , Ashish Duvvuru , Britney Dyszel , Emily Fingar , Elizabeth M. Hennen , Michael Kirsch , Ali A. Khan , Charlotte Labrie-Cleary , Stephanie Laporte , Evan Lenkeit , Kailey Martin , Marilyn Orellana , Melanie Ortiz-Alvarez de la Campa , Isaac Paredes , Baleigh Wheeler , Allison Rupert , Andrew Sam , Katherine See , Santiago Soto Zapata , Paul A. Craig , Bonnie L. Hall , Jennifer Jiang , Julia R. Koeppe , Stephen A. Mills , Michael J. Pikaart , Rebecca Roberts , Yana Bromberg , J. Steen Hoyer , Siobain Duffy , Jay Tischfield , Francesc X. Ruiz , Eddy Arnold , Jean Baum , Jesse Sandberg , Grace Brannigan , Sagar D. Khare , Stephen K. Burley : Evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 proteome in three dimensions (3D) during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Preprint from medRxiv , December 7, 2020, PMID: 33299989 , doi: 10.1101/2020.12.01.406637 (Volltext)
Evelien Jongepier ,
Alice Séguret , Anton Labutin , Barbara Feldmeyer , Claudia Gstöttl , Susanne Foitzik , Jürgen Heinze , Erich Bornberg-Bauer : Convergent Loss of Chemoreceptors across Independent Origins of Slave-Making in Ants. In: Molecular Biology and Evolution , 2022 Jan; 39(1): msab305. ( Volltext )
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Sarah Brien ,
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Martin Pilhofer ,
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Jean Sybil La Fontaine :
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David Lagman ,
Daniel Ocampo Daza , Jenny Widmark , Xesús M. Abalo , Görel Sundström , Dan Larhammar : The vertebrate ancestral repertoire of visual opsins, transducin alpha subunits and oxytocin/vasopressin receptors was established by duplication of their shared genomic region in the two rounds of early vertebrate genome duplications. In: BMC Evolutionary Biology , volume 13, Article number: 238 (2013) ( Volltext )
Chun-Fu Lai ,
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François Guérin ,
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Vivek Shinde ,
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Lampasiak, Peter (Lampi) Inhalt
Eine der beiden zentralen Persönlichkeiten von:
Idee und Bewegung
und der Z58. Kulturinitiative Lebendig Leben
Majas und Außerirdische auf der Erde
Brian J. Ward ,
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Historische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften :
Otto Graf zu Stolberg-Wernigerode (Hrsg.),
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Annie Bézier ,
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David Lagman ,
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Joana Damas ,
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Joana Damas ,
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Bild VB21604.PNG :
File:Glyptapanteles.png , von José Lino-Neto , aus:
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Biographische Notitz über Alfred Lodge ( Volltext )
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