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Jônatas Santos Abrahão ,
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António Félix Rodrigues ,
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Dirk De Ridder ,
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William Fletcher Barrett ,
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Internetseite von Kenneth Ring
Kenneth Ring: Wenn der Körper ausgedient hat,
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Kenneth Ring ,
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Jennifer Boyd Ritsher ,
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Jean und Paul Ritter :
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Jamie J. Matic ,
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Federico Riva ,
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Artikel von Titus Rivas
Kirti Swaroop Rawat ,
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Titus Rivas :
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Titus Rivas :
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Rivas-Pardo, Jaime Andrés Inhalt
Edward C. Eckels ,
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Ajna S. Rivera ,
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Ciprian F. Ardelean ,
Lorena Becerra-Valdivia , Mikkel Winther Pedersen , Jean-Luc Schwenninger , Charles G. Oviatt , Juan I. Macías-Quintero , Joaquin Arroyo-Cabrales , Martin Sikora , Yam Zul E. Ocampo-Díaz , Igor I. Rubio-Cisneros , Jennifer G. Watling , Vanda B. de Medeiros , Paulo E. De Oliveira , Luis Barba-Pingarón , Agustín Ortiz-Butrón , Jorge Blancas-Vázquez , Irán Rivera-González , Corina Solís-Rosales , María Rodríguez-Ceja , Devlin A. Gandy , Zamara Navarro-Gutierrez , Jesús J. De La Rosa-Díaz , Vladimir Huerta-Arellano , Marco B. Marroquín-Fernández , L. Martin Martínez-Riojas , Alejandro López-Jiménez , Thomas Higham , Eske Willerslev : Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. In: Nature , 584, pages 87–92 (2020) ( Volltext )
Giacomo Rizzolatti ,
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Vittorio Gallese ,
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Giacomo Rizzolatti ,
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Evelyne Kohler ,
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Giuseppe di Pellegrino ,
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Michael J. Roads :
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Stephen E. Robbins :
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Juan C. Larrasoaña ,
Andrew P. Roberts ,
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John D. Fernstrom ,
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Jane Roberts
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Jane Roberts
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Jennifer M. Enright ,
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Natasha Picciani ,
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Joseph H. Lubin ,
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Lydia M. Mäthger ,
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Vivek Shinde ,
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Vorträge von Bill Robertson (Englisch)
Robertson, Charles Alexander Lockhart Inhalt
William Fletcher Barrett ,
Edmund Gurney , Richard Hodgson , Arthur Thomas Myers , Frederic William Henry Myers , Henry Nicholas Ridley , William Henry Stone , George Wyld , Charles Alexander Lockhart Robertson , Frank Podmore : Third Report of the Committee on Mesmerism. In: Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. 1884, Volume: 2 ( Volltext ), S.12
David G. Robertson :
Transformation. Whitley Strieber’s Paranormal Gnosis. In: Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions , Volume 18, Issue 1, pages 58–78. ISSN 1092-6690 (print), 1541-8480. (electronic). ( Volltext )
Rodrigo A. Velarde ,
Colin D. Sauer , Kimberly K. O. Walden , Susan E. Fahrbach , Hugh M. Robertson : Pteropsin: A vertebrate-like non-visual opsin expressed in the honey bee brain. In: Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 35 (2005) 1367–1377 ( PMID: 16291092 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2005.09.001 ( Volltext )
Michael P. Robertson ,
Gerald F. Joyce : Highly Efficient Self-Replicating RNA Enzymes. In: Chemistry & biology , 2014 Feb 20; 21(2): 238–245. ( Volltext )
Marcus Robert Jones ,
Sten Grillner , Brita Robertson : Selective projection patterns from subtypes of retinal ganglion cells to tectum and pretectum: distribution and relation to behavior. In: Journal of Comparative Neurology 517:257–275 (2009) DOI: 10.1002/cne.22203 , PMID: 19760658 ( Volltext )
Ann Le Couteur ,
Anthony Bailey , Susan Goode , Andrew Pickles , Irving Gottesman , Sarah Robertson , Michael Rutter : A Broader Phenotype of Autism: The Clinical Spectrum in Twins. In: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 785-801, 1996, PMID: 8923222
Deepak A. Deshpande ,
Wayne C. H. Wang , Elizabeth L. McIlmoyle , Kathryn S. Robinett , Rachel M. Schillinger , Steven S. An , James S. K. Sham , Stephen B. Liggett : Bitter taste receptors on airway smooth muscle bronchodilate by a localized calcium flux and reverse obstruction. In: Nature medicine , 2010 Nov; 16(11): 1299–1304. ( Volltext )
Wendy Conklin Roedell ,
Nancy Ewald Jackson ,
Halber B. Robinson : ;
Hochbegabung in der Kindheit. Besonders begabte Kinder im Vor- und Grundschulalter. (1989) Heidelberg: Roland Asanger Verlag, ISBN: 3893341501
Darryl Bruce ,
Amber Wilcox-O’Hearn , John A. Robinson , Kimberly Phillips-Grant , Lori Francis , Marilyn C. Smith : Fragment memories mark the end of childhood amnesia. In: Memory & Cognition , 2005, 33 (4), 567-576, PMID:
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Matteo Leone ,
Nadia Robotti : Frédéric Joliot, Irène Curie and the early history of the positron (1932–33). In: European Journal of Physics 31 (2010) 975–987 doi:10.1088/0143-0807/31/4/027 ( Volltext )
Adriana Rocha ,
Kristi Jorde :
Aus der Stille der Ewigkeit. Erst mit einer neuen wissenschaftlichen Methode gelingt es Kristi mit ihrer kleinen autistischen Tochter zu "sprechen". Doch was Adriana ihr mitteilt ist so unglaublich, daß sie es nicht fassen kann. (1997) Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei Lübbe ISBN 3-404-61380-5
James A. Collins ,
Matthias Prange , Thibaut Caley , Luis Gimeno , Britta Beckmann , Stefan Mulitza , Charlotte Skonieczny , Didier Roche , Enno Schefuß : Rapid termination of the African Humid Period triggered by northern high-latitude cooling. In: Nature Communications , volume 8, Article number: 1372 (2017) ( Volltext )
Martin H. Moynihan ,
Arcadio F. Rodaniche : Chapter 14. Communication, crypsis, and mimicry among cephalopods. ( Volltext ) In: Thomas A. Sebeok : B141.21 How Animals Communicate. (1977) Bloomington, Indiana USA: Indiana University Press, ISBN 978-0-253-05093-9 ( Volltext )
Annie Bézier ,
Marc Annaheim , Juline Herbinière , Christoph Wetterwald , Gabor Gyapay , Sylvie Bernard-Samain , Patrick Wincker , Isabel Roditi , Manfred Heller , Maya Belghazi , Rita Pfister-Wilhem , Georges Periquet , Catherine Dupuy , Elisabeth Huguet , Anne-Nathalie Volkoff , Beatrice Lanzrein , Jean-Michel Drezen : Polydnaviruses of Braconid Wasps Derive from an Ancestral Nudivirus. In: Science , Vol 323, Issue 5916, 13 February 2009 ( Volltext )
Rodrigues, Rodrigo Araújo Lima Inhalt
António Félix Rodrigues ,
Nuno O. Martins , Nuno Ribeiro , Anabela Joaquinito : Early Atlantic navigation: pre-portuguese presence in the Azores Islands. In: Archaeological Discovery , ISSN 2331-1967. Vol. 3 (2015), p. 104-113 ( Volltext )
António Félix Rodrigues :
Megalithic Constructions Discovered in the Azores, Portugal. In: Archaeological Discovery , Vol.03 No.02(2015), Article ID:55269,10 pages ( Volltext )
Rodrigues, Rodrigo Araújo Lima Inhalt
Rodrigo Araújo Lima Rodrigues ,
Lorena Christine Ferreira da Silva , Jônatas Santos Abrahão : Translating the Language of Giants: Translation-Related Genes as a Major Contribution of Giant Viruses to the Virosphere. In: Archives of virology , 2020 Jun;165(6):1267-1278. PMID: 32333117
Jônatas Santos Abrahão ,
Lorena Christine Ferreira da Silva , Ludmila Santos Silva , Jacques Yaacoub Bou Khalil , Rodrigo Araújo Lima Rodrigues , Thalita Arantes , Felipe Assis , Paulo Boratto , Miguel Andrade , Erna Geessien Kroon , Bergmann Ribeiro , Ivan Bergier , Herve Seligmann , Eric Ghigo , Philippe Colson , Anthony Levasseur , Guido Kroemer , Didier Raoult , Bernard La Scola : Tailed giant Tupanvirus possesses the most complete translational apparatus of the known virosphere. In: Nature Communications , 2018; 9: 749. PMID: 29487281 , doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03168-1 ( Volltext )
Tony Rodrigues :
A true account of one man's twenty year abduction. Ceres Colony Cavalier. (2021) Polen: Amazon Fulfillment, ISBN 9798793410854
Rodríguez Artacho, M. A. Inhalt
E. G. Milán ,
M. Hochel , A. González , F. Tornay , K. McKenney , R. Díaz Caviedes , J. L. Mata Martín , M. A. Rodríguez Artacho , E. Domínguez García , J. Vila : Experimental study of phantom colors in a color blind synaesthete. In: Journal of Consciousness Studies , Volume 14, No.4, April 2007 ( Volltext )
Ciprian F. Ardelean ,
Lorena Becerra-Valdivia , Mikkel Winther Pedersen , Jean-Luc Schwenninger , Charles G. Oviatt , Juan I. Macías-Quintero , Joaquin Arroyo-Cabrales , Martin Sikora , Yam Zul E. Ocampo-Díaz , Igor I. Rubio-Cisneros , Jennifer G. Watling , Vanda B. de Medeiros , Paulo E. De Oliveira , Luis Barba-Pingarón , Agustín Ortiz-Butrón , Jorge Blancas-Vázquez , Irán Rivera-González , Corina Solís-Rosales , María Rodríguez-Ceja , Devlin A. Gandy , Zamara Navarro-Gutierrez , Jesús J. De La Rosa-Díaz , Vladimir Huerta-Arellano , Marco B. Marroquín-Fernández , L. Martin Martínez-Riojas , Alejandro López-Jiménez , Thomas Higham , Eske Willerslev : Evidence of human occupation in Mexico around the Last Glacial Maximum. In: Nature , 584, pages 87–92 (2020) ( Volltext )
Torsten Hansen ,
Ulf Titze , Nidhi Su Ann Kulamadayil-Heidenreich , Sabine Glombitza , Johannes Josef Tebbe , Christoph Röcken , Birte Schulz , Michael Weise , Ludwig Wilkens : First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. In: International journal of infectious diseases , 2021 Jun;107:172-175 doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2021.04.053 , PMID: 33872783 ( Volltext )
Wendy Conklin Roedell ,
Nancy Ewald Jackson ,
Halber B. Robinson : ;
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Hans-Jürgen Ruppert :
Satanismus. Zwischen Religion und Kriminalität. In: Evangelische Zentralstelle für Weltanschaungsfragen ISSN 0085-0357
Kelly L. Buchanan ,
Laura E. Rupprecht , M. Maya Kaelberer , Atharva Sahasrabudhe , Marguerita E. Klein , Jorge A. Villalobos , Winston W. Liu , Annabelle Yang , Justin Gelman , Seongjun Park , Polina Anikeeva , Diego V. Bohórquez : The preference for sugar over sweetener depends on a gut sensor cell. In: Nature Neuroscience , 25, pages 191–200 (2022) ( Volltext )
Bodo von Borries ,
Ernst Ruska : Das Übermikroskop als Fortsetzung des Lichtmikroskops. In: Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte , 95. Versammlung zu Stuttgart vom 18.-21.9.1938, S. 72-77 ( Volltext )
Beth Rutherford: Erinnerungen einer Jungfrau an Vergewaltigungen und eine Abtreibung
Britta Rutkowski ist die Leiterin des Fantasy-Fanclubs "Freunde von Darkover", bei dem ich einmal Mitglied war. Das regte mich zu einigen Kurzgeschichten an, die ihr hier lesen könnt.
Freunde von Darkover online
Marion Zimmer Bradley (kurz MZB) hat die zwischen Fantasy und Science Fiction angesiedelte Welt Darkover erfunden.
Rutten, Alexander Leonard Benedictus Inhalt
auch: Lex Rutten
Rainer Lüdtke ,
Alexander Leonard Benedictus Rutten : The conclusions on the effectiveness of homeopathy highly depend on the set of analyzed trials. In: Journal of clinical epidemiology , 2008 Dec;61(12):1197-204. Epub 2008 Oct 1. PMID 18834714 ( Volltext )
Alexander Leonard Benedictus Rutten :
The 2005 Lancet review proved superior quality of homeopathy trials. What's next? In: International Journal of High Dilution Research 2009; 8(28): 110-118 ( Volltext )
Alexander Leonard Benedictus Rutten ,
C. F. Stolper : The 2005 meta-analysis of homeopathy: the importance of post-publication data. In: Homeopathy (2008) Volume: 97, Issue: 4, Publisher: Elsevier Ltd, Pages: 169-177. ( Volltext )
Alexander Leonard Benedictus Rutten ,
C. F. Stolper , Roland F. G. Lugten , R. W. J. M. Barthels : Updating the repertory, do it the bayesian way. In: International Journal of High Dilution Research , Vol 8, No 28 (2009)
Ann Le Couteur ,
Anthony Bailey , Susan Goode , Andrew Pickles , Irving Gottesman , Sarah Robertson , Michael Rutter : A Broader Phenotype of Autism: The Clinical Spectrum in Twins. In: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , Vol. 37, No. 7, pp. 785-801, 1996, PMID: 8923222
Carol Rutz :
Die Validierung einer Mind-Control-Erinnerungen. In: Alison Miller : B126.6.2 Jenseits des Vorstellbaren: Therapie bei Ritueller Gewalt und Mind Control. (2013) Asanger, ISBN: 978-3893345793 , S.291-295
Joana Damas ,
Marco Corbo , Jaebum Kim , Jason Turner-Maier , Marta Farr , Denis M. Larkin , Oliver A. Ryder , Cynthia Steiner , Marlys L. Houck , Shaune Hall , Lily Shiue , Stephen Thomas , Thomas Swale , Mark Daly , Jonas Korlach , Marcela Uliano-Silva , Camila J. Mazzoni , Bruce W. Birren , Diane P. Genereux , Jeremy Johnson , Kerstin Lindblad-Toh , Elinor K. Karlsson , Martin T. Nweeia , Rebecca N. Johnson , Gregory Andrews , Joel C. Armstrong , Matteo Bianchi , Kevin R. Bredemeyer , Ana M. Breit , Matthew J. Christmas , Hiram Clawson , Federica Di Palma , Mark Diekhans , Michael X. Dong , Eduardo Eizirik , Kaili Fan , Cornelia Fanter , Nicole M. Foley , Karin Forsberg-Nilsson , Carlos J. Garcia , John Gatesy , Steven Gazal , Linda Goodman , Jenna Grimshaw , Michaela K. Halsey , Andrew J. Harris , Glenn Hickey , Michael Hiller , Allyson G. Hindle , Robert M. Hubley , Graham M. Hughes , David Juan , Irene M. Kaplow , Kathleen C. Keough , Bogdan Kirilenko , Klaus-Peter Koepfli , Jennifer M. Korstian , Amanda Kowalczyk , Sergey V. Kozyrev , Alyssa J. Lawler , Colleen Lawless , Thomas Lehmann , Danielle L. Levesque , Xue Li , Abigail Lind , Ava Mackay-Smith , Voichita D. Marinescu , Tomas Marques-Bonet , Victor C. Mason , Jennifer R. S. Meadows , Wynn K. Meyer , Jill E. Moore , Lucas R. Moreira , Diana D. Moreno-Santillan , Kathleen M. Morrill , Gerard Muntané , William J. Murphy , Arcadi Navarro , Sylvia Ortmann , Austin Osmanski , Benedict Paten , Nicole S. Paulat , Andreas R. Pfenning , BaDoi N. Phan , Katherine S. Pollard , Henry E. Pratt , David A. Ray , Steven K. Reilly , Jeb R. Rosen , Irina Ruf , Louise Ryan , Pardis C. Sabeti , Daniel E. Schäffer , Aitor Serres , Beth Shapiro , Arian F. A. Smit , Mark Springer , Chaitanya Srinivasan , Jessica M. Storer , Kevin A. M. Sullivan , Patrick F. Sullivan , Elisabeth Sundström , Megan A. Supple , Ross Swofford , Joy-El Talbot , Emma Teeling , Alejandro Valenzuela , Franziska Wagner , Ola Wallerman , Chao Wang , Juehan Wang, , Zhiping Weng , Aryn P. Wilder , Morgan E. Wirthlin , James R. Xue , Xiaomeng Zhang , Harris A. Lewin : Evolution of the ancestral mammalian karyotype and syntenic regions. In: PNAS (2022) Vol. 119, No. 40 e2209139119 ( Volltext )
Joana Damas ,
Marco Corbo , Jaebum Kim , Jason Turner-Maier , Marta Farr , Denis M. Larkin , Oliver A. Ryder , Cynthia Steiner , Marlys L. Houck , Shaune Hall , Lily Shiue , Stephen Thomas , Thomas Swale , Mark Daly , Jonas Korlach , Marcela Uliano-Silva , Camila J. Mazzoni , Bruce W. Birren , Diane P. Genereux , Jeremy Johnson , Kerstin Lindblad-Toh , Elinor K. Karlsson , Martin T. Nweeia , Rebecca N. Johnson , Gregory Andrews , Joel C. Armstrong , Matteo Bianchi , Kevin R. Bredemeyer , Ana M. Breit , Matthew J. Christmas , Hiram Clawson , Federica Di Palma , Mark Diekhans , Michael X. Dong , Eduardo Eizirik , Kaili Fan , Cornelia Fanter , Nicole M. Foley , Karin Forsberg-Nilsson , Carlos J. Garcia , John Gatesy , Steven Gazal , Linda Goodman , Jenna Grimshaw , Michaela K. Halsey , Andrew J. Harris , Glenn Hickey , Michael Hiller , Allyson G. Hindle , Robert M. Hubley , Graham M. Hughes , David Juan , Irene M. Kaplow , Kathleen C. Keough , Bogdan Kirilenko , Klaus-Peter Koepfli , Jennifer M. Korstian , Amanda Kowalczyk , Sergey V. Kozyrev , Alyssa J. Lawler , Colleen Lawless , Thomas Lehmann , Danielle L. Levesque , Xue Li , Abigail Lind , Ava Mackay-Smith , Voichita D. Marinescu , Tomas Marques-Bonet , Victor C. Mason , Jennifer R. S. Meadows , Wynn K. Meyer , Jill E. Moore , Lucas R. Moreira , Diana D. Moreno-Santillan , Kathleen M. Morrill , Gerard Muntané , William J. Murphy , Arcadi Navarro , Sylvia Ortmann , Austin Osmanski , Benedict Paten , Nicole S. Paulat , Andreas R. Pfenning , BaDoi N. Phan , Katherine S. Pollard , Henry E. Pratt , David A. Ray , Steven K. Reilly , Jeb R. Rosen , Irina Ruf , Louise Ryan , Pardis C. Sabeti , Daniel E. Schäffer , Aitor Serres , Beth Shapiro , Arian F. A. Smit , Mark Springer , Chaitanya Srinivasan , Jessica M. Storer , Kevin A. M. Sullivan , Patrick F. Sullivan , Elisabeth Sundström , Megan A. Supple , Ross Swofford , Joy-El Talbot , Emma Teeling , Alejandro Valenzuela , Franziska Wagner , Ola Wallerman , Chao Wang , Juehan Wang, , Zhiping Weng , Aryn P. Wilder , Morgan E. Wirthlin , James R. Xue , Xiaomeng Zhang , Harris A. Lewin : Evolution of the ancestral mammalian karyotype and syntenic regions. In: PNAS (2022) Vol. 119, No. 40 e2209139119 ( Volltext )
Mark S. Springer ,
Robert W. Meredith , John Gatesy , Christopher A. Emerling , Jong Park , Daniel L. Rabosky , Tanja Stadler , Cynthia Steiner , Oliver A. Ryder , Jan E. Janečka , Colleen A. Fisher , William J. Murphy : Macroevolutionary Dynamics and Historical Biogeography of Primate Diversification Inferred from a Species Supermatrix. In: PLoS One , 7(11): e49521, (2012). ( Volltext )
Doris Ryffel-Rawak :
ADS bei Erwachsenen. Betroffene berichten aus ihrem Leben (2001) Bern: Huber. ISBN 978-3456844664
Doris Ryffel-Rawak :
Wir fühlen uns anders! Wie betroffebne Erwachsene mit ADS, ADHS sich selbst und ihre Partnerschaft erleben (2003) Bern: Huber. ISBN 978-3456845159
Doris Ryffel-Rawak :
ADHS bei Frauen. Den Gefühlen ausgeliefert. (2004) Bern: Huber. ISBN 978-3456841212
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